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A Blog about I-Mod
Join Startrek-Mod Team
Team Up!
Published on March 11, 2006 By
I-Mod Stefan
This is not the first idea of a Startrek-Mod mentioned, I know.
What I want to do is to search people who are interested in joining a "Startrek-mod Team"
I asked several people before and some asked around, so I thought for a faster Team Up, everyone who wants to join can do this by replying here and give a valid e-mail adress. It don't need to be a professional modder , we start amateur.
All you need is blender which you get from www.blender.org (later maybe 3ds max) and a littlebit time.
I hope we will be numerous...
please reply
(My E-mail: my.paradise@gmx.de)
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Comments (Page 1)
9 Pages
on Mar 11, 2006
I am 100% interested. How do we want to organize? We need a place where we can all talk in real time... I prefer IRC but i am open to other suggestions. I am installing 3ds max at the moment... and i am attempting to import a ship into the game, i shall report my progress including screen shots in a few hours when i get home from work.
on Mar 11, 2006
Count me in, have done modding in Quake, Doom and a few others nothing published as far as I know. Will get the blender tonight and start experimenting. sent email to you address
I-Mod Stefan
on Mar 11, 2006
Hey, thats good,
1. a place to talk in real time is no problem I think, but first we can email us
i can check my emails every day in the week and somedays on weekend.
later maybe irc or so...
2. 3ds max is very good, i'm learning blender at this time, searched for plugins and tuts and so, (how do you get 3ds max? I have a problem to organize this since months... maybe you can send it me in a way, someday.
I think it's a littlebit better for modding in galciv but i'm not sure.
3. We are one Team now
, and everbody should know each others e-mail
for contacting . So please write me an e-mail cause I want to make a list for better management.
IRT Joe Dawson: Can you tell me which version of 3ds max do you have I'm loading 7 at this moment but very slow, I
don't know if it will be finished on Christmas... maybe we can share some useful programs in near future
I'm interested in your screenshots, let me see.
IRT Glenn A Nicholson: thats good we will need some know-how
some of us maybe won't have much modding experiences so if everybody helps everybody that would be great
thanks, thanks, thanks, to you two!
and thank you for your fast reply !
That works better than I thougt
I can just reply on monday ( I hope this is no problem
So, till monday !
A little Message at the end: I hope there are some more Trekkies out there...
on Mar 11, 2006
Me too, me too. ^_-
on Mar 11, 2006
I'm helping the Civ 4 ST mod, although I'm more of the trekkie guy that provides info to make sure the mod is..Trek. I can give conceptual ideas and such forth. That's the extent of what I could do for you though. *Is a crap modder*
on Mar 11, 2006
3ds max has a 30 day trial... I wont go any further thanthat... I have installed blender too as it seems a smaller footprint for memory and such.... pictures coming soon.
on Mar 11, 2006
First: How exactly will the tech tree be modified? Sure, you'll have disruptors, phasors, plasma weapons, and depending on if you liked SFC, missiles and possibly researchable fighters... Though the fighter idea would probably be too hard, and sence missiles aren't cannon, I guess those are out too. Just basic shielding upgrades and upgrades to your chosen field of weapons... We would have to figure out the relation between phasors, disruptors, and plasma balls (Romulans) though. Possibly phasors do less damage, but are smaller, disruptors medium on both counts, and plasma weapons do 3 damage and take up a lot of space...
Second: I assume that the galaxy would start off largely colonized... I mean how can it be the united federation of planets if you start with only 1 planet and 2 ships?
I'll try and look up some maps on the internet of alpha quadrant borders, or I could just rip the map directly off of Starfleet Command
Third: Where exactly are the ships saved in the galciv2 directory, and what are they saved as (.x)?
Fourth: As for the scenario, possibly a DS9 Dominion invasion/TOS Fed-Klingon war/Pre-TNG Fed-Cardassian War/Hypothetical TNG Romulan-Fed war... or you know what? Just throw the borg into the mix and somehow find a way to give them a 1/10 chance of gaining a ship they 'destroy'
on Mar 11, 2006
OK first off, remember people we don't need trek ships, we need ship bits
as for the mod, well my actual modeling and texturing skills are, well, non existant. but i'd love to help in other ways, providing graphics for stuff, writing events, helping keep it all trek as someone else said. the extent of my trek nowledge knows no real bounds. if you want to love at me, go ahead, you wont be the first
also tech tree design and balance... basically anything i can do that aint model based.
if you're interested contact me at gazAAAAAAAA@gazland.info
remove the gibberish in capitals, email sucking bot programs are all over the net!
on Mar 11, 2006
I cant help much modding wise, what i might be able to do is host a website/DL/forum/mail and if i am very lucky with google, a real time text chat.
send your first email to ztc@cableone.net at which point i will give my real address (yes that ones real, i just dont check it unless looking for something) If you have a suggestion for a real time chat program to use (preferebly free or one time pay) send me an email
on Mar 11, 2006
I can help, though I am not really sure where exdactly, I have a lot of projects of my own.
I can offer server space on my personal web server (no mail server and it opens on an odd port... but other then that it's better then anything you will find for a fee even). I also have a lot of general abilities, like game play design (though I don't think you will need much of that), interface design, some 3DS Max modeling, management, etc.
If you need my help email me as I am prone to losing posts on this forum (bkystarfleet@gmail.com).
on Mar 11, 2006
UPDATE: If someone is willing to design the main site, i can provide a vbulletin forum (aka one of the best forum systems available), with realtime text integrated (flashchat/amfichat), unlimited bandwith, hosting space, database (mysql/mssql/access), php/asp, and if we decide on a domain name (i like gc2mods.us) each staff member can have their own email address
I also have quite a nack at designing installation systems, My flagship installer is currently used by
, if you google search and download it, you could see some of my work
on Mar 12, 2006
I am very interested.
My email: dr.radkay@gmail.com
on Mar 12, 2006
I could help, I haven't modded before, but ive used the blender for years and know my way around it pretty well. Id love to help with a bit of modeling here and there.
Anyway, if you want to contact me my email address is pyroinc89@yahoo.com.au
on Mar 12, 2006
I can supply some bandwidth, and some coding skills. Im a game programmer by trade, so maybe I can be some help scripting wise etc? I havent taken a look at the script files yet.
A Ds9 dominion style mod would be excellent!
I-Mod Stefan
on Mar 12, 2006
Thanks for your replies, if you want to join just send me an e-mail (my.paradise@gmx.de)
the number of members isn't limited
you would spare me a lot of time and work if each of you could send me an e-mail (I want to make a list for better management) everbody who wants to be in is in
send me your ideas and I will send you soon my modiefied blender (required) and some examples we also need persons who don't model, but script or make events et.
I think everything you mentioned will be useful in future so i thank you for your help!!!
We will be a big Team, and it seems that you all have good and needful qualities.
please send me an e-mail and blender follows soon.(you need my modified blender cause it can IMPORT x-files which are used in galciv) I need all e-mails...
thx, thx, thx and bye!!!
till monday
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